A New Chapter

The Past few months have been a strange period of mass adjustment and what they tell you in Art School is true… staying motivated may be difficult but for me finding the time has been harder. However, in spite of the lack of time left once you are working I am still finding these small […]

Jennine Marchand

Marchand uses white clay in a similar way to my initial experiments at the beginning of my MA, after investigating her work more thoughtfully I can see similarities in our understanding allowing us to manipulate the material of clay in similar ways, after looking at her work ‘bowl’ I can see how a potters wheel […]

Experimenting with Projectors and Porcelain

Unfortunately the old light I used for photographing my work has been broken and not replaced, so I ended up having to improvise using an old overhead projector. This created a good strong light but is  a slightly warm light… I would like to try a cooler more neutral light in the future, to begin […]