
Artists Statement
Artist statement:
Being out in the landscape is fundamental to my work, the experience of the raw elements is something I am keen to reflect in my practice. Inspired by exploring the natural environment through both walking in the landscape and the science of palaeontology, I’m influenced by the experiences and understanding I have with spaces I walk through. I am keen to continue the conversation between artists and scientists, and will often fins scientific influence in my work.. When sculpting I enjoy manipulating materials exploring shape, form, texture and surface, developing pieces containing the themes of fragility, time and harmony. By placing materials with juxtaposing quality’s such as surface texture, I hope to evoke the viewers enquiry into material, I am interested in the tactile quality of material and creating haptic visuality with my pieces.
Between the Sea and the Sky
A solo exhibition at Quay Arts Isle of Wight sharing some of the outcomes of my DYCP (developing your creative practice) funded by the arts council. this focused on the Isle of Wight Geology and surrounding landscape.
I’ve developed local sediments into artists pigments and artists materials. The pigments were foraged along the coastline of the Island and carefully recorded using geological guides, these are processed ready to be transformed into materials and then artworks.

Initial pigment investigations
The beginning of my research into local pigments found in the rich geology of the Isle of Wight. With further investigation into material making from found and processed pigments.

Creative Biosphere project
A year long artist residency in a school working with cultural Partner Independent Arts. Together we creatively explored the biosphere reserve status of the Isle of Wight. We had three exhibitions throughout the project along with a legacy final piece, a 4 ton carved stone.
ACE funded project in partnership with AONB, the Island Collection and IWCEP.

Hear Her Voice
A short film created by Neoteric Dance company where I created five small figurative wire sculptures for use in the film. An ACE Funded project .

Works inspired by the landscape
Drawings and works inspired by the landscape, particularly the geology and palaeontology found on the Isle of Wight.

Working in palaeontology with scientists
Works inspired by the world of palaeontology, this journey through prehistory and place inspires most of my work.
This includes working collaboratively with places such as Dinosaur Isle Museum and Southampton University.

Commissions and projects

Projects, Commissions & Exhibitions
Solo Exhibition Between the Sea and the Sky, & artist talk Quay Arts Isle of Wight
DYCP – Island pigments
Workshop delivery for John Hansard Gallery as part of “A Pocket Full of Sand”
Workshop delivery for Quay Arts
Diverse Capacities Southampton University, exhibition of works.
DYCP – arts council funded project, Island pigments
Diverse Capacities Southampton University
AONB- Prospectus design
Blue Plaques Project – ran workshops to create works and curated exhibition, Independent Arts Isle of Wight
Wavelength – delivery in ACE funded arts and science project with Independent Arts.
Creative Club, Young peoples arts award program- programming and delivery
Young creatives, young peoples art education- program and delivery
Supporting Young Minds, Independent Arts – delivering Arts Award sessions.
Mindful Moments, delivering and programming workshops supporting wellbeing through creativity.
Creative Biosphere Exhibition – ran workshops to create works and curated our area of the exhibition, Quay Arts, Isle of Wight
Creative Biosphere year long artists residency, Isle of Wight
First Marks Exhibition – ran workshops to create works and curated exhibition, Independent Arts Isle of Wight
Hear her Voice – Short film, sculptor, – Neoteric Dance company
Reconnect- creative practitioner, Independent Arts Isle of Wight,
Creative Club, Young peoples arts award program- program and delivery
Young creatives, young peoples art education- program and delivery
Dinosaur Isle in 101 Fossils- designer & illustrator
Creative Biosphere – year long artists residency, Isle of Wight. Independent Arts and IWEF.
Palaeo Doors – design and painting – Dinosaur Isle museum Isle of Wight
The Landscape of Fossil Hunting – short film – shown at the Geological Society conference
Picture play – delivery of arts sessions to young children, Independent Arts.
Vectaerovenator inpopunatis – reconstruction, working with southampton university.
Looking out from lockdown – curator and designer digital work , Independent Arts
Islesolation gallery – curator and designer digital work, Independent Arts
Notable Newport – designer and painter, public work , Independent Arts Isle of Wight
Island Heritage colouring book – Illustrator & Designer, Independent Arts Isle of Wight
Creative Chronicle 4 issues – Illustrator and Designer, Independent Arts
Through Her Eyes – drawings as part of a film and dance project, Bristol, Neoteric Dance company
Portfolio – art and mental health project, Independent Arts Isle of Wight
Celebrating age – ran creative workshops in residential homes to create works.
Mindfullness and soulfulness exhibit – assisted curation and ran workshops in residential homes to create works.
More questions than answers – MA show Chichester University
33 – BA show University of Chichester