For some time I have been wanting to experiment with some fossil slabs on Yaverland beach. the slabs themselves contain many fossilized shells along with the occasional more interesting piece such as a shark fin spine or pieces of fish and ammonites.
My work began on a very warm summers day with one pile of stone slaabss, these slabs are not light I often had to roll them down the beach in order to use them. One of the interesting factors of working in the landscape was public interactions, many people came to speak to me and ask about what I was up-to, it was really encouraging and everyone I spoke to enjoyed the work some obviously from very different backgrounds.
By chance a photography group from Chichester came past and asked if they could take photographs which was a bit of a shock later when i looked up and had about 10 cameras facing me. later I had a couple who were interested but not really art people, unfortunately they let there dog pee on my work which I found a bit disrespectful especially since they didn’t apologize, however the overall day was fabulous and I hope to repeat this kind of practice on the beach I feel I have found my other studio space.